Human infections with African Swine Fever may be the biggest threat to public health these days. ASFV is spreading in China, Eastern Europe, and Korea. It is on the border between Poland and Germany. Will Germany lead the way in exploring the threat of African Swine Fever to human health?

TheAfrican Swine Fever Novel Audiobook Excerpt

Sunday, June 21, 2015

An Important Message for European, Russian and Asian Intellectuals and Scientists:

Virtually all of the nosology, epidemiology and virology about AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, HIV and HHV-6/7/8 and African Swine Fever Virus that has come out of America's CDC and France's Pasteur Institute is totally fraudulent. Believe any of it at your own risk. 

It may be up to you to perform the most important scientific course correction in history.

Keep up with the latest developments on this massive scientific fraud at The Hannah Arendt University System.