Human infections with African Swine Fever may be the biggest threat to public health these days. ASFV is spreading in China, Eastern Europe, and Korea. It is on the border between Poland and Germany. Will Germany lead the way in exploring the threat of African Swine Fever to human health?

TheAfrican Swine Fever Novel Audiobook Excerpt

Friday, May 18, 2018

When pigs get Ebola

The apparent lack of airborne transmission among humans is believed to be due to low levels of the virus in the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system of primates, insufficient to cause new infections.[63] A number of studies examining airborne transmission broadly concluded that transmission from pigs to primates could happen without direct contact because, unlike humans and primates, pigs with EVD get very high ebolavirus concentrations in their lungs, and not their bloodstream.[64] Therefore, pigs with EVD can spread the disease through droplets in the air or on the ground when they sneeze or cough.[65] By contrast, humans and other primates accumulate the virus throughout their body and specifically in their blood, but not very much in their lungs.[65] It is believed that this is the reason researchers have observed pig to primate transmission without physical contact, but no evidence has been found of primates being infected without actual contact, even in experiments where infected and uninfected primates shared the same air.[64][65]