Human infections with African Swine Fever may be the biggest threat to public health these days. ASFV is spreading in China, Eastern Europe, and Korea. It is on the border between Poland and Germany. Will Germany lead the way in exploring the threat of African Swine Fever to human health?

TheAfrican Swine Fever Novel Audiobook Excerpt

Friday, August 30, 2013

How soon will African Swine Fever break out in Poland?

It might already be there! Give how quickly and widely it has spread in adjoining countries, the odds are that it is already in ticks and wild boar in Poland.

Poland wants EU to fund fence along Belarusian border over African swine fever


 "On a relative risk scale with six categories from negligible to very high, five European Union countries were estimated at high (France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom) or moderate (Spain) risk of African swine fever release, five countries were at high risk of exposure if African swine fever were released (France, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain) and ten countries had a moderate exposure risk (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden and United Kingdom). The approach presented here and results obtained for African swine fever provide a basis for the enhancement of risk-based surveillance systems and disease prevention programmes in the European Union."